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SPCA: 3 soldiers' dogs are home safely!

Operation Baghdad Pups

Dear Friends,

Blackjack, Iram and Pathfinder are safe - thanks to YOU!

Last September, we told you about three Iraqi puppies who were on the brink of death and about to be consumed by a fire when a group of U.S. soldiers rescued them and started raising them at their camp. The three dogs, named Blackjack, Iram and Pathfinder, quickly became the camp dogs and a daily morale booster for the soldiers who cared for them.

Today, thanks to your support and financial contributions, SPCA International is proud to announce that Blackjack, Iram and Pathfinder are all safe in the U.S. with their soldiers’ families. They all set paw on U.S. soil together last week after a long string of flights originating in Baghdad. They were escorted by SPCA International rescue expert, Jennifer McKim, who can be seen with them in the photos to the right. After getting thorough veterinary examinations and a few days of rest in Washington, DC, they flew to their final destinations this weekend.

It is because of your ongoing financial contributions that we can keep making reunions like this happen. Thank you for your continued support!

We still have 50 U.S. service members and their animals on our waiting list. Please consider making another financial contribution today – every donation, big or small, helps!

For the animals,
James D. Winston signature
JD Winston
Executive Director
SPCA International

P.S. Spread the word to help us reunite more soldiers with their beloved animals. Please forward this email to your family and friends!




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