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MPN Helps Find Lost Pets

...Who we are and what we do
The MPN is a group of volunteers sponsored by the USDA Animal Care Office, who help people find missing pet animals. We accept no money, make no endorsements, and use no advertising on our MPN web pages. More Information on MPN

How to post a listing

Please use the forms available through the directory page to post your listing if at all possible.

Listings posted using the forms are more likely to include the most relevant information and will not have to wait for a human to format and post them.

The most effective listings for a lost animal give the following information:
Where the animal was lost:
A minimum is state, county, (not country), city, and street name, with cross streets. The name of your housing development is not enough.
When the animal was lost:
Please give the date, and a general time of day, if known.
A description of the animal, including color and markings:
Please be sure to include age, approximate size and/or weight and sex. Giving a breed or species name is not enough. Not everyone knows what a conyer looks like and or what color your mean when you say a dog is blue or a cat is red. Be sure to mention if the animal was wearing tags or is tattooed or microchipped. We will not put the id numbers on the web page.
Contact Information:
You must include contact information. Your name, phone # & email are required. We strongly prefer to hear from the actual owner of the animal, and we do require the actual owner's name, phone number and email address if they have one as well as that of any contact person.
Other information:
The circumstances of how your animal was lost can be helpful, for instance, if your dog was frightened by fireworks, he may have spent quite a while running. If your animal mats easily, or likes to roll in the mud, that may help. If you are offering a reward, this is where it would be mentioned.
Missing Pet.net